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PhD Program

PhD Dissertation Defense, Bianca CRIVELLINI-EGER, Management & Human Resources

Congratulations to Dr Bianca CRIVELLINI-EGER, Management & Human Resources, who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at HEC Paris on the 9th of July, 2024.

Specialisation: Management & Human Resources

Topic: On Being Someone Else to Become Oneself: Towards a Theory of Distal Identities

Supervisor: Associate Professor Daniel NEWARK, HEC Paris

Jury members: 

Associate Professor Daniel NEWARK, HEC Paris, France
Associate Professor Otilia OBODARU, University of Bath School of Management,UK
Professor Daniella LAUREIRO-MARTINEZ, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Professor Carmit TADMOR, Tel Aviv University Coller School of Management, Israel
Associate Professor, Françoise CHEVALIER, HEC Paris, France

In today’s rapidly changing world, understanding identity is more complex than ever. This dissertation, based on a two-year ethnographic study of a group of professionals who also perform as drag queens, explores this complexity through three studies. The first introduces the construct of “distal identity”, an identity deliberately kept at a distance from one’s other identities and their core self-concept. This offers a unique way for self-expression and exploration. The second study shows how professionals who are also drag queens use their distal identities as “identity laboratories” to experiment with new identity elements. It theorizes a process we call “intrapersonal vicarious learning”, highlighting the role of compartmentalization and distancing in facilitating identity exploration and adaptation. Lastly, the third paper explores how distal identities can contribute to resilience, even in times of extreme stress. Overall, the dissertation sheds light on the intricate dynamics of modern identity formation and expression, offering valuable insights into navigating our ever-evolving selves.

Keywords: identity ; multiple identities ; exploration ; learning ; ethnography ; resilience

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